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Law Firm Billing Software Development


Get Legal Billing and Accounting Software Developers

Chetu's legal billing software is a comprehensive solution that can help law firms streamline their billing and accounting processes, reduce errors, and save time. Our developers create the best legal billing software to help legal professionals manage their billing and accounting needs more efficiently.

Our custom platform offers a range of features, including time and expense tracking, invoicing, payment processing, trust accounting, reporting IOLTA accounting, batch billing, LEDES codes, conflicts search, document management software, and more.

End-to-End Systems

We engineer end-to-end systems and standalone, cloud-based modules for in-house, and mobile platforms. We build apps that support LEDES format invoicing and gives the ability to reconcile trust and IOLTA accounts within the system. Legal billing software can streamline the billing process, reduce errors, and help law firms get paid faster. An end-to-end system typically includes features such as billing rate management, time and expenses tracking, invoicing, payment processing, and reporting.

Automated Bill and Invoice Preparation

Automated bill and invoice preparation can improve efficiency and accuracy and reduce the risk of billing errors. We engineer automated bill preparation and payment systems including client invoicing, custom alerts, legal e-billing, push-notifications, payment processing. We save your time by adding custom write-up and write-down features for legal professionals billing process.

Custom Legal Billing Software

Chetu's legal billing software can be customized to integrate with other systems, such as case management software and accounting systems, to streamline processes and reduce the risk of errors. We provide custom legal account software including general ledger, billable time tracking, bill preparation, bill payment, trust account, client portal, mobile app and more solutions.

Legal Trust Accounting

Chetu Legal trust accounting software is a cloud based platform, including account automation, asset gain/loss reporting, accrual accounting, tax management, compliance management, IOLTA accounting, posting management, plus integrations with other law practice management software and legal accounting software.

AI-Powered Platform

Chetu Developers provide Artificial Intelligence for legal billing and accounting platform. The platform is designed to streamline the billing process and make it more efficient for law firms. AI features help to reduce the time and effort required to manage billing and accounting tasks, freeing up time for lawyers to focus on their core responsibilities. AI-powered features of the platform include automated time tracking, invoice generation, and expense management.

Cloud-Based Solutions

Chetu Software engineers integrate the cloud-based platform in legal billing and accounting software, allowing legal professionals to access data from anywhere with an internet connection. Cloud-based software includes automatic updates and backups, reducing the risk of data loss or security breaches. Our Cloud-based legal solution can be integrated with others software tools commonly used in law firms, such as document management systems and practice management software.

Custom Legal Billing Platform Developers

Increase client connection and retention with a custom legal billing application.

Custom Billing Templates

Chetu develops rate structure software to handle complex billing matters. Our solutions have built-in features for “Split billing”, allowing you to divide an invoice among multiple parties and a customizable billing template so your bills will include all the elements you want.

Recurring Payments

Chetu develops apps to schedule recurring payments and automatic top-ups for trust accounts. Our solutions allow you to check payment statuses and see a list of legal credit card payments made to the firm.

Time Tracking System

We develop time tracking applications including automatic time capture, stopwatch timers, calendar management, billable hours / missing time management, billing rates/fees management, activity tracking, legal billing codes, and more.

General Ledger Applications

We program general ledger systems including client accounts management, expenses tracking, financial reporting, and IRS filing management features. Our solutions help eliminate the time delay between issuing an invoice and receiving a payment.

Payment Processing Integration

Out programmers provide custom integration with payment processors to give legal firms the ability to accept credit cards and process payments online, offer payment plans and ethically manage trust, and operating accounts.

Document Management and Automation Applications

Our developers create Document Management and Automation Applications that easily store client and matter documents and integrate with NetDocuments and Dropbox. We include modules that allow you to build document templates for creating custom files.

We Integrate with Industry Leading Legal Billing Tools


We integrate your Law practice management systems with Bill4Time giving you access to timekeeping and billing software solutions.


Our developers provide custom integrations with FreshBooks to provide you with timekeeping and billing services.


Chetu provides time and billing solutions with Sage Timeslips. Integrating Sage into LMS’s will allow Law Firms to accurately bill clients for time spent on their cases.


We provide custom legal time tracking and billing solution with TimeSolv. This integration will allow firms to store, process and track billable hours and data.


Chetu integrates with Zoho Books to provide Law Firms with online accounting software to manage cash flow and customer invoicing.


Our developers provide Law Firms with a secure way to request, track and process online payments with custom a LawPay integration.


We integrate with PracticePanther to provide Law firms with time billing, online payment processing, calendaring, expense report management.


We integrate Clio into your LMS to provide you with the ability to bill clients and follow up on payments with automated responses.

Frequent Asked Questions for Legal Billing Software

Legal billing software is an application designed specifically for law firms and legal professionals to manage billing and invoicing processes. It can help streamline billing processes, reduce errors, and increase efficiency.

Yes, many legal billing software applications can be customized to meet the specific needs of a law firm. Customization can include adding or removing features, changing the user interface, and integrating with other software applications used by the law firm.

Legal billing software can generate various reports, including billing, expense, and time-tracking reports. These reports can provide detailed insights into a law firm's financial performance and help identify improvement areas.

AI can automate the legal billing software's time-tracking, invoice generation, and other billing-related tasks. AI-powered systems can learn from past billing data and generate invoices automatically, reducing the time and effort required to create and manage billing documents.

Yes, legal accounting software can be used by solo practitioners and larger law firms and can be customized to fit the needs of each user.

Legal billing software can help law firms streamline billing processes, reduce errors, and increase efficiency. It can also help with tracking time and expenses, generating accurate invoices, and providing detailed reports that can be used to analyze financial performance.


Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

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