Chetu – Custom Software Development CompanySearch blackphone blackcross black


Empowering Businesses with iOS Solutions Powered By Our Apple Developers


Custom iOS Application Development

Chetu specializes in leveraging the latest Apple technologies to create cutting-edge iOS apps. Our team harnesses the power of Swift, CoreML, CreateML, and more to offer enhanced code completion and interactive previews through Xcode. We excel in crafting expressive and intuitive APIs, thanks to the advancements in Swift, through software integrations, personalized modules, and custom features to enhance functionality, aesthetics, and the overall user experience.

Native iOS Development

Our native iOS development expertise spans the entire app development lifecycle. From strategizing and prototyping to App Store deployment and maintenance, we've got you covered. We make use of the latest features in Xcode for efficient coding and debugging.

SMB/Enterprise Apps

Our custom SMB/enterprise apps can be securely seamlessly integrated with your organization’s IT infrastructure to increase your team’s productivity, flexibilitym, and organization.

Consumer Apps

Our custom consumer apps are easy to usr, highly functional, and beautifully designed with the ability to enhance consumer engagement and receive high APP Store rankings.

IoT Apps

We develop top-notch iOS apps that are compatible with multiple IoT devices containing embedded sensors , including Apple Watches and smart appliances (HomeKit).

Custom iOS Mobile App Development

Chetu’s expert iOS app developers build world-class iOS mobile apps that are highly responsive to all screen sizes and mobile device types, enabling users to enjoy your app’s unique features on all of their iOS devices.

iPhone App Development

Transform your vision into a feature-rich reality with our expert iPhone app development. We deliver interactive and customizable iPhone apps that reflect your brand's mission and cater to your target audience.

iPad App Development

Our focus on maximizing iOS functionality ensures the ultimate user experience for iPad users. From gaming to media streaming, we've got your iPad app needs covered.

watchOS App Development

Chetu's watchOS developers design both independent and dependent watchOS apps. With in-app purchasing capabilities and automatic iOS updates, we deliver a seamless experience.

tvOS App Development

We’ll build an extension of your current iOS app to function properly on Apple TV or build a tvOS app that goes beyond what apps designed for iPhone or iPad screens have to offer.


Chetu’s software development experts create mobile apps for all types of industries and industry verticals. We have experience in building custom apps for healthcare, supply chain, finance, media/entertainment, and much more. We ensure that users consistently have the latest available iOS version by programming custom features that enable automatic and manual iOS updates. Take a look at one of our latest case studies where we built a world-class personal finance iOS mobile app.

  • App Development & Programming
  • App Development & Programming

Our iOS App Development Process

Our developers ensure that every phase of the iOS development process is implemented flawlessly with a fool-proof process flow so that your iOS mobile app is released without any functionality issues such as bugs or glitches.

App Development & Programming

Once you’ve proposed the prototype to your investors/VCs, our developers define the technical architecture, front-end/back-end technology stack, and development milestones presented in the initial product planning blueprint to develop your finished iOS app.

UI/UX Design & Prototyping

Our talented and experienced mobile development team creates a prototype of your iOS app that is designed to deliver a seamless user experience with a refined, polished look, focusing on functionality, interactivity, intuitiveness, user-friendliness, and responsiveness to other mobile devices.

App Quality Assurance (QA) Testing

Our QA testers ensure that your custom iOS application is stable, secure, and usable, performing comprehensive user experience testing, functional testing, performance testing, security testing, and device & platform testing to deliver a high-quality mobile solution.

Product Planning & Strategy

Our developers, programmers, engineers, designers, and project managers assess your business concept, iOS app feature list, and overall budget to deliver a product blueprint consisting of your concept, leveraged technologies & development tools, and a timeline.

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App Store Deployment & Launch

Once your app is tested, we ensure compliance with Apple’s strict App Store Guidelines, meeting the requirements for security, user privacy, design, and other guideline aspects before finally releasing your custom iOS mobile app & submitting it to the App Store.

Maintenance & Support

We provide expert-level maintenance & support services once we’ve launched your app to the App Store, ensuring that your app is in perfect working order, fixing bugs, checking your app’s functionality, automating operating systems updates, and so much more.

We Have iOS Developers

We harness the power of popular iOS app development technologies to deliver a beautiful, fully-functioning iOS mobile application that incorporates all essential features and best fits your business brand.


Leverage Swift as one of our primary programming languages when developing custom iPhone, iPad, watchOS, and tvOS applications.


Some of our developers prefer to use Objective-C as another object-oriented programming language option when developing iOS apps.


Utilizing XCode, Apple’s editor & IDE, offers our developers a unified workflow for coding, testing, debugging, and user interface design.


We harness the power of CocoaPods’ 83,000+ libraries that allow our developers to scale your iOS applications quickly, thoroughly, and elegantly.

Code Runner

Designed to support popular programming languages, like Swift or Objective-C, we use the CodeRunner as one of our go-to editors & IDEs.


Our developers use AppCode because it seamlessly integrates with CocoaPods libraries, and is 100% compatible and interoperable with XCode.

Custom iOS Mobile App Features

Chetu can program any feature that you desire into your custom iOS mobile app to best represent your brand, provide the ultimate user experience, and enable full backward compatibility.

Custom Settings & Preferences

Technologies We Leverage

Our iOS app developers have extensive expertise with all programming languages, tools, and frameworks required to build beautiful, and apps powered by the latest technologies.

iOS App Development Services: Frequently Asked Questions

iOS app development refers to creating, designing, and developing applications specifically for Apple's iOS operating system, catering to iPhones, iPads, and other Apple devices.

The iOS app development process typically includes concept ideation, design, development, testing, deployment to the App Store, and ongoing maintenance and updates. Each step involves detailed planning and execution.:

Yes, it is possible to convert an Android app to an iOS app, but it's not a straightforward process. You will need to rewrite the codebase using Swift or Objective-C (iOS programming languages) and make design adjustments to fit the iOS platform's standards.

When choosing an iOS app development service provider, consider their experience, portfolio, client reviews, technology stack, and ability to meet your project's specific requirements. Also, ensure they follow Apple's guidelines for app development.

AI integration into iOS is facilitated through frameworks like Vision and Natural Language. Vision enables features such as face tracking, detection, and object tracking, while Natural Language helps analyze text and its language-specific metadata.

No, AI won't replace iOS developers. It will enhance their productivity and efficiency, enabling them to deliver high-quality software.


Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

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